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Today on the blog we welcome Jamie McGuire.
She is an accomplished skincare expert, entrepreneur and author, known for changing the lives of countless people through her innovative approach to skin and gut health.
She has extensive knowledge in the skincare industry as the founder of Jamie Anne Aesthetics and has more recently launched her Healthy Skin Program which helps clients improve their skin through proper skincare, but also FOOD.
In this post Jamie is going to share with us her top tips for healthy skin, and yes, it starts from the inside out. On top of that she’s sharing the tops culprits to avoid, her own skincare routine and how she likes to unwind. You’ll also get a sneak peek at her healthy recipes, created to give you healthy skin and a healthy gut.
With that, let’s get into it with Jamie.
Let’s be honest. The health and skin world these days is pretty overwhelming. There are so many new diets, trends, good food, bad food, toxic skincare and influences from every direction! It’s hard to keep up with it all. Even I started to get discouraged and confused. I was dealing with gut issues a few years ago and went down the rabbit hole of gut health and the foods and ingredients that contribute to these health problems. Through this process, I quickly realized the direct connection between your gut, skin, and overall health. It all started to make sense.
When I was working with clients who had skin issues like cystic acne, eczema, rosacea, or simply felt like their skin was aging and looking dull, I started to see patterns. Food patterns. Appointments with my clients started to be more about what they were eating on a daily basis, rather than what they were putting on their skin (although that is important as well). I was amazed by the similarities, like:
1. How many of my clients believed they were eating “healthy” and had diets full of processed organic, vegan, vegetarian foods. All of which contain toxic chemicals, seed oils, and sugar!
2. Others it was their gluten consumption, oblivious to the fact that they may be celiac and are making their condition worse with every bite of bread.
3. And many others with just their regular morning organic oatmeal, berries & coffee with oat milk. Never realizing the oats they are consuming daily are creating inflammation in the gut and in turn, contributing to their inflamed skin, acne, eczema, rosacea etc.
I’ve heard it all from my clients. “But I eat super clean”, “I eat a ton of veggies”, “I get all organic”, “I cut out dairy”, “I don’t eat eggs”, “I don’t eat sugar”. The different combinations of what people consider healthy for them goes on and on. Then I start asking them questions. “Are you checking the ingredients of the foods you buy?” “Do you eat meat?” “What’s the quality of meat?” “Have you had a gut/stool test to determine your body’s specific markers?” “Have you ever done a food allergy test?” “What kind of fruit do you eat and how often (fruit has a lot of sugar even if it’s natural)?” “Do you cook your veggies or do you eat mostly raw (a lot of salads)?” “Did you know that if you have digestion issues, (which will result in skin issues) raw foods are harder to break down in the gut?” “Have you tried to remove gluten and grains for a significant amount of time?”
With these questions and many more, I was able to determine some of the issues that were misunderstood when it comes to the gut/skin connection and help make some dietary adjustments.
One of the highlights of this ebook is The Animal Based Guide. An animal based diet is a form of an elimination diet. The goal is to feed your body the most nutrient dense, regenerative, sustainable foods and is based on eating the way our ancestors did. Humans have thrived on animal protein for centuries, going back to the caveman days – it is what we survived on. This includes grass-fed/finished red meat, pasture raised, corn & soy free chicken & eggs, raw dairy, raw honey, organic fruit and some carbs.
I completed the AB30 30 Challenge (Animal Based 30-Day Challenge) last summer and felt amazing! I had so much energy, I was sprinting uphill (I don’t run), my stomach was the flattest it had ever been and I had ZERO bloating or digestive issues. I documented my journey and all the food I ate and would post everything daily to my Instagram – the response was overwhelming. Most of my clients & followers today are more and more interested in this way of eating, and I have heard countless success stories from so many who have transitioned to a more animal based way of eating – not to mention the MANY vegans/vegetarians who have started eating meat again and feel incredible. I would receive so many DM’s from people saying their bodies were craving meat and they finally started to incorporate it into their diet and noticed a drastic change in their energy levels, gut health, skin, hair, and overall health. This is why I am so passionate about the way we eat and changing the way we think about food and health.
Listen, I’m no chef. But I love food and flavor and I had to figure out how to help my clients adjust their food habits to reduce inflammation in the gut and ultimately repair the skin. I realized the most basic fundamental way to eat was eating WHOLE FOODS. Meaning eating foods mostly in their natural forms. It’s just the most simple way to put it. Eat regular, good quality, nutritious foods that don’t compromise their ingredients with unnatural additives.
My grocery guide and recipes come from what’s actually in my kitchen and what I make at home. It’s just real food. We’ll get into some recipes at the end but let’s start with my skin tips.
Jamie McGuire’s Tips for Glowing Skin & More
Our skin has a natural process of repairing and rejuvenating overnight, which includes producing sebum (oil) to protect and moisturize the skin. When we cleanse our skin too frequently, it disrupts this process and can actually lead to overproduction of sebum, leading to oily skin and breakouts.
Not only can over-cleansing cause oily skin & breakouts, but it can also cause skin irritations, dryness, and premature aging & wrinkles.
All you need to do in the morning is simply rinse with water (filtered if possible) and use a clean towel to dry. Then apply your daytime skincare routine as usual (serum, moisturizer, SPF).
But what about all the dirt and oil that accumulates on our face throughout the night? Unless you are sleeping on the floor of a bathroom – I get it, it happens -,rinsing with water is all you need in the morning. This will gently remove any leftover serums & moisturizers from the night before and won’t strip down your skin.
Your words hold power. What you say about yourself and to yourself matter.
We are all guilty of listing all the little flaws we want to fix. “Can you see this wrinkle?” or “Look at this cellulite!”or “I hate this part of my face!”or “My pores are huge” or “I have horrible skin” or “I want skin that looks like yours”…
For me personally, I have created boundaries with myself, my friends and my clients where I do not allow constant negative self talk. Yes we have our moments, but in those cases, I just change the subject and focus on the positives and do not stay in a repetitive negative self-talk cycle.
It is so important to see yourself in a positive light and speak to yourself with love (it’s not cheesy). I recommend journaling as soon as you wake up, before you even look at your phone (you should wait at least an hour after waking to look at your phone). Start by writing down 3 positive things about yourself. It doesn’t always have to be skin/body related, but any words of encouragement and love. Focus on the things that you are constantly thinking negatively about, and turn those into positives. Ex: “My skin is so gross” to “My skin is healthy and beautiful.” This is a morning routine I recommend to all of my clients, and I have created a 7-day free workbook to help you get started on how to implement these healthy habits.
Unpopular opinion – sun isn’t actually bad for you. I know this is shocking for most, but there are SO many health benefits to sun exposure, but only when done responsibly. Here’s how to start:
Start by getting sun for 10-15 minutes during off-peak hours – around 11am or 4pm. Your skin needs to slowly build a tolerance to the sun to produce natural melanin production without causing damage.
Omega-6 fatty acids, when metabolized, can lead to the production of compounds that promote oxidative stress (inflammation) in the body, exacerbating skin damage caused by sun exposure like sunburns. Omega-3 fatty acids play a protective role for the skin and reduce the risk of sunburns and support overall skin health.
Examples of foods with good Omega 3 fatty acids:
Grass-fed finished meat, pasture raised corn and soy free eggs, wild caught salmon, sardines, oysters & anchovies.
Examples of seed oils that are high in Omega 6 and should be avoided:
Canola oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, palm oil, grape seed oil & soybean oil
Conventional sunscreen contains numerous carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. They can prevent the absorption of vitamin D and increase the risk of cancer. I recommend using a mineral-based sunscreen with zinc oxide for safer protection. But, just know that just using SPF (of any kind) isn’t going to be the ultimate protection from the sun. You still need to take caution when it comes to how long you are exposing yourself.
FOR REFERENCE, HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF IRRESPONSIBLE SUN EXPOSURE: Laying by a pool at 1pm, slathering on chemical SPF, while baking in the sun for hours, eating/snacking on food filled with seed oils (omega 6) and sipping an iced coffee with OATLY oat-milk (check those ingredients). This is not the way.
I cannot express how important this is – EVERYTHING is connected. When your skin is dealing with; acne, rosacea, eczema, or is dry/dull, oily, etc. – it is trying to tell you something. Your skin is literally a reflection of what is going on inside.
When you are experiencing external symptoms or conditions, the root cause is almost always internal inflammation.
How do we manage these internal factors that are affecting our skin?
The first step I recommend to my clients is to take a look at what they are eating. A lot of foods these days are filled with inflammatory ingredients that are causing major gut and skin issues. One of the most common ingredients found in processed foods that is directly related to inflammation are seed oils. These oils are highly processed and cause oxidative stress in the body.
What does oxidative stress do?
It breaks down cell tissue and causes DNA damage which results in inflammation.
So what is the best approach to reducing inflammation?
To start, focus on whole, real food. The less ingredients the better.
This means avoiding any processed foods that aren’t in their natural forms. Ex: Grass-fed/finished meat, pasture raised corn and soy free chicken and eggs, organic fruit and organic vegetables. Buy organic when possible.
It is important to always opt for organic foods. Foods that are not organic are heavily sprayed with pesticides and can cause even more inflammation in the body.
If you don’t know where to start and want help cleaning up your diet, my Healthy Skin Grocery and Recipe Guide is something I highly recommend. This guide is filled with simple, healthy, anti-inflammatory, and delicious recipes, an extensive grocery guide to help you stock up on skin and gut friendly foods, an animal based guide you can follow that includes breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner example meals, PLUS tips on how to adopt healthier food choices.
Hear me out – I promise you, eating red meat will rewind the clock.
My diet over the last few years has consisted of around 80% grass-fed & finished red meat. I have noticed a significant change in my energy levels, skin, gut, and overall health. From my experience, the benefits are undeniable when you eat more of this nutrient packed protein source, particularly for women.
100% grass-fed beef contains a higher percentage of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids compared to grain-fed beef. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, and not only great for skin, nails, and hair but they are essential for brain health, heart health, and have been shown to lower the risk of chronic disease. 100% Grass-fed meats are also much higher in antioxidants and minerals that protect our body from free radicals that cause aging.
Another unpopular opinion: You don’t need to pay for monthly facials. What you do at home is more important. Don’t get me wrong, facials are amazing, but they are something that should be looked at as a treat or a luxury in my opinion. This is coming from a skincare specialist whose business was built on facials. But overtime I realized that there is only so much a facial can do – it’s what we do on a daily basis that is going to make the biggest impact on our skin’s health. A consistent skincare routine, clean diet, good sleep, and managing stress will do more for our skin than a facial every 4-6 weeks. Sure it feels great to have your pores cleaned out & get a nice lymphatic massage – but this isn’t something you should have to do to have healthy, glowing skin.
I work with clients from all over the world who are unable to come in for facial treatments. Together, we strive for optimal skin health through custom at-home skincare routines and dietary adjustments and have found this approach to be more effective than in-office treatments.
Here are a few of my tips for at home facials:
+ Give yourself a once a month treatment – I recommend starting with a gentle enzyme exfoliant (I am not a fan of chemical or scrub exfoliants).
Use a hot towel or even take a bath so that the steam opens up your pores and gently breaks up any congestion. This will leave your skin so glowy and give that extra clean feeling you get from an in-office facial treatment. My favorite gentle enzyme exfoliant is POLISH by Osmosis.
Once I apply all of my serums and moisturizers, I like to do a deep tissue style massage where I really dig deep into my facial muscles with my knuckles. This helps to activate my serums and it gets the blood flowing while removing any facial tension – it also helps to stimulate collagen production by bringing blood flow to the area which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and gives a little mini facelift.
Lymphatic drainage is also one of my personal favorites. I like to end my deep tissue facial massage with a lymph draining method that encourages the delivery of oxygen around the face as well as improved hydration to the skin cells leading to a much healthier and glowing complexion.

Lymphatic Technique:
1. Begin at the center of your forehead, using gentle, sweeping motions with your fingertips to move the lymphatic fluid towards your temples. Repeat this motion several times.
2. Next, move to your eye area. Using your ring fingers, gently press and hold on the inner corners of your eyes for a few seconds, then move along your brow bone towards your temples. Continue this motion, focusing on the area under your eyes to help reduce puffiness.
3. Move to your cheeks, using upward and outward motions towards your ears. Remember to be gentle and avoid pulling or tugging on the skin.
4. Continue down to your jawline, using small circular motions to move the lymphatic fluid towards your ears.
5. Finish with your neck, using upward motions towards your chin to help drain any fluid buildup.
In conclusion I’m not saying to never get facials, just that you shouldn’t have to rely on them. Creating healthy habits that you do daily will have a bigger impact on your skin and can give you that same healthy glow you get from in-office facials. Plus it’s more budget friendly.
*You can learn more on how to achieve healthy skin on your own with at-home routines, effective skincare products & more in my 90-Day Healthy Skin Program.
The importance of good, quality sleep is an underrated anti-aging hack.
Sleep is a restorative process that allows your body to repair and regenerate, and this includes your skin. During deep sleep, your body produces collagen that gives your skin its elasticity, and helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Quality sleep also helps to regulate the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that can contribute to skin inflammation and breakouts.
Most of us do not get enough sleep, and a lack of sleep can negatively impact your skin and overall health. When you don’t get enough sleep it can impair your skin’s ability to repair itself, leading to premature aging and increased skin sensitivity.
Here are some of my recommended sleep habits that can help you improve your sleep:
1. Stop eating 3 hours before bed. This includes late night snacking.
2. No blue light before bed. No phones, computers or TV’s at least 30 minutes before you lay down to go to sleep. Blue light prevents the production of melatonin and messes with your circadian rhythm. Try reading or meditating once you get into your bed. And if possible, don’t sleep with your device in the bedroom.
3. Try doing red light therapy before bed. Exposure to red light can improve sleep and increase the production of melatonin. I use a mini red light from Bon Charge.
4. Make your sleep space like a cave – cold & dark. Try to keep your bedroom temperature below 70 degrees and block out all light. Even lights from a clock or TV should be covered.
5. Try using sleep sounds like white noise, pink noise, and nature sounds. Pink noise includes sounds like soft rain, ocean waves crashing or the wind blowing. I love the sound of rain when I sleep and it has made a huge difference in me staying asleep.
Especially if you are a light sleeper and easily wake up from outside sounds, sleep sounds will help drown out any startling sounds that might keep you from falling asleep.
6. Take magnesium before bed. We are all deficient in magnesium and we need this mineral to rest and recover. Magnesium helps with relaxation by interacting with certain neurotransmitters, decreasing cortisol levels, and increasing melatonin. My recommended form of magnesium for sleep is this one.
7. Using mouth tape when you sleep is good to help you stay asleep. It encourages nose breathing and reduces snoring which allows you to have uninterrupted sleep. And you already know the best mouth tape to use is The Skinny Confidential’s.
Something that I have recently started to improve and implement into my life is swapping out as many harmful, toxic products as possible. Everything from my cleaning products, laundry detergents, body care, deodorant, even my makeup (still working on this).
Why is it important to opt for non-toxic products?
Many toxic chemicals found in household products are known to disrupt our endocrine system. The endocrine system is responsible for regulating our hormones, which play a crucial role in our health.
Products like makeup, lotions, hair care and skincare products can contain chemicals like parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances, which are known to disrupt hormones and cause skin irritation. These chemicals can also be absorbed into the body through the skin and cause long-term health problems.
Here are some examples of non-toxic swaps:
Shampoo & Conditioner w/SLS & Parabens > SLS & Paraben free shampoo & conditioner
Household cleaners > distilled white vinegar & filtered water
Candles, room scents > diffusers & essential oils
Deodorant with aluminum & fragrance > Aluminum & fragrance free deodorant
Toothpaste > fluoride free toothpaste
BE CONSISTENT (avoid trends and gimmicks)
Consistency is KEY. Overnight miracles are not a thing – whether it’s healthy skin, a healthy gut or a healthy body, it takes time and consistency to get lasting results.
We have all been guilty of wanting instant gratification – but unfortunately, most of the time anything that promises a quick fix is usually BS! That is not how to achieve long lasting results.
These days it can be so hard to know what to do when it comes to our skin and overall health. There is so much information out there that ultimately leaves us frustrated and confused. BUT, when we constantly bounce around from product to product, new trend after new trend, we never fully see the benefits of what one thing can do. This is why I preach to my clients the importance of consistency. It takes time for the skin and the body to adjust and acclimate to something new. It doesn’t just happen in the first couple of months. It’s about adopting and implementing new habits and sticking to them for a considerable amount of time and staying consistent.
Think of it this way – if you want to lose ten pounds, get some muscle definition and feel confident in a bathing suit, for most of us that will take consistent work. You will need to consistently workout and focus on your diet. Working out hard one week, then maybe 1-2 days the next week, eating healthy for a few days, then indulging all weekend etc. is inconsistent and will make it harder to achieve your ultimate goal. It’s no different with skin. It takes patience and consistency to get where you want to be. It is a combination of diet and lifestyle adjustments, as well as a focused, intentional skincare regimen. Healthy skin does not come overnight and it is an investment and commitment to yourself.
I tell my clients to focus on a realistic expectations timeline.
Expect the first 90-days to be an adjustment period. Your skin will be going through adjustments and can have a list of different effects, some of which can include some skin purging. But stick with it and make sure you don’t give up. If you compare it to working out, this is the stage where your muscles are fatigued and sore and you are shaking and feel weak, but you push through so that you can achieve your goals.
Keep up with everything for 6 months, then reevaluate. Did your skin improve? Did your gut improve? Even if a little, those subtle changes are what are ultimately going to grow into long term and more drastic improvements.
After 365 days of staying consistent with your new habits and routines, you will have seen significant improvement and changes to your skin and overall health. And just like a body transformation with working out and eating right, if you stay consistent with that plan for 1 year – you will feel and look amazing.
Consistency = Success, period.
With that, here are a few recipes from my new book you can cook for yourself to help get your gut on track and your skin glowing.

*For more guidance on maintaining healthy skin, my 90-Day Healthy Skin Program online course is designed to assist you in achieving lasting healthy habits for a lifetime.
“Perfect skin doesn’t exist, HEALTHY SKIN does.”
xo, Jamie
We hope you loved this post, jampacked with value from Jamie. Be sure to follow her on Instagram and check out her courses and ebooks if you’re interested in a healthier gut and skin. And if you want to learn more about why you should start going non-toxic, just listen to this incredible story on The HIM & HER Show.
x, The Skinny Confidential team
+ Why Lauryn loves this skin therapy wand.
++ See how Staci Christie uses the ice roller.
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