Samsung Responds to Apple’s Heavily Criticized ‘Crush’ Ad With a 43-Second Clip

Samsung has released a new ad to promote the Galaxy Tab S9 titled “Creativity cannot be crushed.” This ad is a response to Apple’s iPad Pro “Crush” ad, which faced significant criticism online recently.

Apple’s advertisement depicted creative tools like paint and instruments being crushed in a hydraulic press, showcasing the new iPad Pro’s thin and powerful design. The message seemed straightforward, highlighting the device’s capabilities in a slim form factor.

However, the ad was widely misinterpreted online. The negative response suggested that it touched on concerns about technology replacing human creativity, sparking backlash. As a result, Apple apologized, withdrew the ad, and acknowledged to Ad Age that the ad did not achieve its intended goal.

A week later, Samsung launched a response ad developed by BBH USA, continuing from Apple’s ad and emphasizing human creativity over technology.

The ad features a scene with damaged instruments and a paint-splattered hydraulic press, where a woman picks up a crushed guitar and uses a Samsung tablet to read music. The ad aims to celebrate creatives, contrasting Apple’s perceived dismissal of creativity.

The woman in the ad uses a Galaxy Tab S9. Despite being released in August, the commercial serves as more than just a tablet promotion, subtly poking at Apple.

Both Samsung and Apple have experienced recent declines in sales but remain significant players in the tablet market. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), Apple shipped 9.9 million units and Samsung shipped 6.7 million in Q1.

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