Initially planned for release between 2021-2022, Tom Clancy’s The Division Heartland, a free-to-play spinoff of the popular post-apocalyptic shooter series, has been canceled by Ubisoft. During their earnings call on...
Chinese police have discovered a large underground banking ring in Chengdu involving Tether (USDT), estimated to be worth $1.9 billion. The operation facilitated foreign currency exchanges illegally. This news comes...
The first official portrait of King Charles was revealed at Buckingham Palace recently, sparking a variety of reactions online. One social media user compared the image to a challenging boss...
Google has recently revealed significant advancements in AI, including more details about the highly anticipated Android 15. The latest iteration of the world’s most popular mobile operating system is scheduled...
The Epic Games Store has announced that it is offering the 2014 Game of the Year winner Dragon Age: Inquisition for free. This promotion runs from May 16 to May...
The claim of “updates automatically” in the modern technology age is often misleading. Games, apps, software, and hardware, including consoles like the Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5, require patches...
A new meme coin on Solana, Sealana, has raised over $1.2 million in its presale within the first few weeks of its launch. Sealana is attempting to mirror the success...
European Union (EU) regulators have initiated another investigation against Meta for potential breaches of online content rules concerning child safety. Under the Digital Services Act (DSA), which came into effect...
A PlayStation Store listing for 2002’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars hints at the possibility of more PlayStation 2-emulated games making their way to PlayStation 5 (and PS4) after a...
The Nintendo Switch is considered one of the top consoles created by Nintendo and other companies in the gaming industry. It offers portability, a diverse game library, and popular titles...