Category: Nutrition

Little Known Signs of a Potential Hormone Imbalance

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags When it comes to the female body – hormones run the show.  There’s the obvious role of hormones in pregnancy, periods, menopause, and...

Intimina Olympics – What Country Supports Women Best?

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Highlights: Limited edition Period Gold Medals awarded to British athletes who smashed taboos around menstruation in sport, including Heather Watson, Eilish McColgan, Dina...

How Diabetes Impacts the Vagina

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Approximately 18 million American women have diabetes and a staggering 43.7 million have prediabetes. However, 90% of people don’t know they have prediabetes...

Tampons Found To Contain Lead, Arsenic & Plastics

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Millions of women across the world use tampons, pads, and other menstrual products every month. However, recent studies have revealed that tampons may...

What Is Period Blood Made Of?

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Even though almost half of the population experiences them for a good chunk of their lives, periods are widely misunderstood. This is in...

How Uterus Transplants and Pregnancy Works

Infertility affects approximately one in six adults globally, making it a challenging experience. There are various reproductive health issues leading to infertility, and each individual’s situation is unique. Advances in...